Northern Territory Social Outcomes Framework

The Northern Territory Social Outcomes Framework PDF (1.4 MB) (the Framework) recognises the values the community associates with individual and community wellbeing. It provides a transparent approach for the NT Government, its partners, including the non-government organisation (NGO) sector and the community, to measure progress towards a broad, aspirational vision for the future of the Northern Territory.

The guide on Adopting an outcomes approach and the Social Outcomes Framework DOCX (336.6 KB) sets out practical steps for adopting an outcomes-focused approach and provides an overview of the Framework. The guide can be used by both NT Government agencies and organisations.

Identifying outcomes can take place at different levels, such as at population level, system level, program level or individual level. This Framework currently focuses on population level outcomes only and does not include process outcomes or outcomes at the service, program or system level such as availability of services or individual client outcomes.

System, program and client level outcomes are measures of shorter term impacts and important information required to establish a clear pathway between input, outputs and long term outcomes.

Social Outcomes Framework architecture and definitions 1

Describing Success Domain articulates broad area for action and groups related outcomes. Each Domain has a vision (aspirational) statement
Measuring Success Outcomes show the required change or difference, articulates what success looks like.
Indicators specify what needs to change to achieve the outcome and set the direction of change
Measures provides specific detail about what will change and how you know that you are making progress
Measuring Delivery Outputs what we count to measure the delivery – e.g. number of activities, products, clients
Activities what we do to deliver the service – programs, services, everyday work
Input resources or investment allocated to deliver activities (funding, staff, infrastructure)

1 Adapted from Outcomes Reform in Victoria – Victoria State Government

The Framework is organised into seven domains, each with its associated population outcomes, indicators and measures. The chosen Domains reflect the range of social outcomes that affect all Territorians’ wellbeing. They are closely aligned to the social determinants of health, the Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth Nest model, and the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare wellbeing domains and measures. Each domain of wellbeing is supported and expanded with its own vision statement.

  • Territorians are able to live a healthy life
  • Territorians have appropriate and secure housing
  • Territorians are connected to culture and community
  • Territorians are able to learn, contribute and achieve
  • Territorians are safe
  • Territorians are financially secure and have material basics
  • The Territory has a natural and built environment that supports a high quality of life

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