Strategic relations

The Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet provides leadership, coordination and guidance in pursuing the Northern Territory’s interests and negotiating the best possible outcomes for the Northern Territory in intergovernmental forums.

In particular, we provide strategic advice and support to the Chief Minister and Cabinet on the Northern Territory’s relations with the Commonwealth and other state and territory governments, including for meetings of National Cabinet and the Council for the Australian Federation.

National Cabinet is a forum for the Prime Minister, Premiers and Chief Ministers to meet and work collaboratively. National Cabinet priorities are regularly reviewed and updated. Ministerial Councils reflected in the federal relations architecture provide reports annually to National Cabinet.

The department leads the development of advice to support the Chief Minister’s participation in National Cabinet meetings and other intergovernmental forums and coordinates actions on outcomes, as appropriate.

The department collaborates and coordinates across the Northern Territory Government, and liaises with other jurisdictions and key stakeholders on a range of policy, funding and reform matters and negotiations.

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