NT Police Review
The review into policing in the Northern Territory (NT) has been completed, with a final report delivered to NT Chief Minister, the Hon Eva Lawler MLA, on 28 March 2024.
The review was led by former NT Police Officer and NT Police Association President Vince Kelly APM and critically evaluated and recommended improvements in policing models, resource allocation, and staff wellbeing practices to meet contemporary standards and community expectations.
The review involved extensive consultation with a wide range of stakeholders, including sworn officers, non-sworn staff, the NT Police Association, various NT Government departments, community organisations, Aboriginal organisations and the general public.
In April 2024, the NT Government considered the NT Police review report and broadly supported the focus the report offered across the key outcomes of:
- strong foundations across governance, workforce, technology and infrastructure
- meeting priorities through a more structured approach to resource allocation
- streamlining frontline services to create efficiencies
- supporting our Police through a targeted focus on workforce wellbeing and retention.
The NT Government accepted 15 of the report's 18 recommendations. Recommendations 10 and 12 require more consultation and engagement. The NT Government did not accept recommendation 11, which recommended stopping police checks at bottle shops, due to community expectations for a visible police presence at bottle shops in certain locations across the Territory.
In consideration of the report, government approved the establishment of a cross-agency steering committee to oversee development and execution of a detailed implementation plan, jointly chaired by the Commissioner of Police and the Chief Executive of the Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet.
In response, the Police Review Implementation Steering Committee (PRISC) was established in early May 2024 to support the effective implementation of government’s response to the review by 30 June 2025.
Quarterly updates from July 2024 will be provided on the progress of implementation till June 2025.
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Recommendation 1 - New senior role within NT Police Force
Recommended action
Create a new senior role within the NT Police Force focused on developing and implementing the corporate, governance and organisational support functionality. The role will be Deputy Chief Executive level (or similar) and will report directly to the Police Commissioner.
This recommendation was accepted.
The senior leadership role and its responsibilities will make an essential contribution to better support NTPF in delivering on its mission to serve and protect the community.
Recommendation 2 - Establish a Police Review Implementation Team
Recommended action
Establish a Police Review Implementation Team (PRIT) to coordinate, monitor and evaluate government’s response to the recommendations of the review.
This recommendation was accepted.
The Commissioner of Police will be further supported in implementation by an across-agency steering committee and quarterly reporting to Government.
Recommendation 3 - Build or improve remote police facilities
Recommended action
Develop a long-term rolling capital works program to build or improve remote police facilities across the NT. This includes up to 2 new stations each year for 4 years (total $160 million) and up to 40 new or upgraded homes for police in the same timeframe (costing $32 million).
This recommendation was accepted in principle.
$25 million per annum, for 5 years, will be allocated to support capital works investment decisions to be informed by a Strategic Infrastructure Plan, developed in collaboration with the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics.
Recommendation 4 - Establish a digital transformation capability
Recommended action
Establish a Digital Transformation capability to centrally manage high impact/high value ICT projects. The unit should also be resourced to provide ongoing workforce and business support for existing major systems.
This recommendation was accepted.
A dedicated Digital Transformation function will be a critical enabler in delivering a contemporary and agile police service to the community. Further work and consultation on this capability to be undertaken between NTPF and DCDD after the appointment of the Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Corporate role.
Recommendation 5 - Establish an improved data and business intelligence function
Recommended action
Establish an improved data and business intelligence function in NTPF to address identified deficiencies.
This recommendation was accepted.
Data and business intelligence capability is critical to achieving reliable and well-informed decision-making through a robust evidence base.
Recommendation 6 - Develop and implement a Resource Allocation Model
Recommended action
Develop and implement a Resource Allocation Model to inform resource allocation decisions.
This recommendation was accepted.
The Resource Allocation Model will provide a sound basis for resource allocation decision-making.
Recommendation 7 - Employ 200 additional police officers
Recommended action
Employ 200 additional police officers over four years: 120 in general duties around Darwin, Katherine, and remote stations; 20 will train others at the Police College; and the rest will join special teams like JESCC (000 and 131 444 call centre), the Territory Response Group, crime and forensics, and more, to improve police services everywhere.
This recommendation was accepted.
The boost in sworn police officers will ensure that the capability of the Northern Territory Police Force to combat crime is increased and responsiveness to the community will improve.
The proposed allocations are noted. Final allocations will be determined through the Implementation Plan and in accordance with the Resource Allocation Model.
Recommendation 8 - Recruit 71 extra non-sworn staff
Recommended action
Recruit 71 extra non-sworn staff over four years to support the specialist, business and corporate areas of NTPF.
This recommendation was accepted.
The boost in non-sworn staff will meet growing demand to support policing services and improve community responsiveness.
Building strong relationships and working collaboratively with DCDD to provide high quality corporate services to NTPF is essential.
The proposed allocations are noted. Final allocations will be determined through the Implementation Plan and in accordance with the Resource Allocation Model.
Recommendation 9 - Upgrade of the Joint Emergency Services Communications Centre
Recommended action
Consider the upgrade of the Joint Emergency Services Communications Centre (JESCC), including its staffing, technological and physical infrastructure, as a high priority for funding. JESCC is the call centre for taking 000 and 131 444 calls.
This recommendation was accepted.
The NT Government acknowledges growth in demand for JESCC services as the first point of contact for the public needing police assistance.
Recommendation 10 - Transitioning custody responsibility
Recommended action
The Police Review Implementation Team work with NT Corrections towards transitioning responsibility for transferring people remanded in custody and in police custody (bail refused) to an appropriate service provider (private).
This recommendation was noted.
Further consultation and policy work across the relevant justice agencies is required for Government consideration.
Recommendation 11 - Discontinue the current police checks at stores selling alcohol
Recommended action
Discontinue the current police checks at stores selling alcohol and instead, making the store owners responsible for following alcohol laws and keeping their stores safe.
This recommendation was not accepted.
There is a continuing community expectation regarding the NTPF’s visible presence to support the “point of sale intervention” model across identified locations in the Northern Territory.
Recommendation 12 - Discontinue the use of private security for public safety
Recommended action
Discontinue the use of private security for public safety and move the funding to the new NTPF Territory Safety Division.
This recommendation was noted.
Government considers a range of response measures is practical in the current environment and will work with private security providers to ensure enhanced training and capability is developed. Government will further consider the continuing role of private security services as part of the broader community safety model over time.
Recommendation 13 - Working group to improve wellbeing
Recommended action
Create a working group comprising an independent Chair, Police Review Implementation Team nominee, and representatives of NTPF, the NT Police Association, and the Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment to review how personal leave is used, housing for officers in greater Darwin area, and options for encouraging staff to work in remote areas.
This recommendation was accepted.
The NT Government looks forward to receiving independent and collaborative advice on options seeking to address the challenges identified by the Review.
Recommendation 14 - Amend the Police Administration Act 1978
Recommended action
Amend the Police Administration Act 1978 to allow the Police Commissioner to directly appoint individuals with the right skills and experience, including in policing, to positions above Constable within the NTPF.
This recommendation was accepted.
A mechanism to enable the transfer of skilled and experienced staff from other jurisdictions into the NTPF will strengthen attraction and retention of experienced police in the NTPF.
Recommendation 15 - Prioritise Aboriginal Liaison Officer Program
Recommended action
Aboriginal Liaison Officer program continues to be prioritised and recognised, and more clearly defined as a critical and foundational liaison service working to support operational policing at the community level, with a focus on greater coverage of regional and remote communities.
This recommendation was accepted.
Aboriginal Liaison Officers bring valued insights and important support to policing services across the NT, with deep traditional local knowledge, understanding of cultural practices and connections to local people. They are also strong role models in their communities.
Recommendation 16 - Review the role of Aboriginal Community Police Officers
Recommended action
Review the role of Aboriginal Community Police Officers including clarifying their role in the NTPF.
This recommendation was accepted.
The Northern Territory Government supports jobs and participation for Aboriginal Territorians, with supported pathways to attract and retain Aboriginal people in the NTPF workforce.
Recommendation 17 - Develop a people management framework
Recommended action
The Review supports the Police Commissioner's plan to develop and implement a modern people management framework. It recommends changing parts of the Police Administration Act 1978 by 30 June 2025, to modernise the NTPF performance management and disciplinary system.
This recommendation was accepted.
A modernised performance management system will deliver improvements to the workforce and the agency.
The Northern Territory Government welcomes the development of legislative reform options to the Police Administration Act 1978 and acknowledges the importance of a contemporary and fair legislative framework for procedural fairness, natural justice, integrity and ethical considerations to guide NTPF behaviours and culture.
Recommendation 18 - Strengthen welfare and wellbeing of NTPF staff
Recommended action
The NT Police Force to strengthen the welfare and wellbeing of staff through the Wellbeing Strategy 2023 to 2027 (which addresses mental health), improving work health and safety, fatigue management, and inclusiveness, building a safer, welcoming and respectful workplace.
This recommendation was accepted.
The 2023-24 Budget provided $3 million per annum for the Wellbeing Strategy 2023-2027.
Measuring and reporting performance of this strategy is essential to ensuring it achieves its intent. The Northern Territory Government acknowledges that other aspects of staff wellbeing, such as work health and safety, inclusion and cultural safety, and managing work-life balance are essential for a healthy, productive and contemporary workforce.
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