Northern Territory Risk Reduction Program
The Northern Territory Risk Reduction Program (NTRRP) is aimed at assisting organisations in the Northern Territory (NT) with funding for projects that reduce the risks and limit the impacts of natural disasters.
There will be no further public funding rounds for this Program. Funded projects are being finalised by successful applicants.
Funded through a National Partnership Agreement (NPA) between the:
- Australian Government
- NT Government.
The NTRRP is managed by the Department of Chief Minister and Cabinet.
No further funding rounds
The program is due to cease at the conclusion of the 2023/24 financial year, there will be no further public funding rounds for this Program.
Previous projects
All previously approved projects under the NTRRP will continue to be managed by the Department of Chief Minister and Cabinet until their completion.
Read about the funding rounds for each year.
2023 to 2024
Organisation | Project | Description |
Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics | NT Flood Emergency Waste Management Plan | Develop an emergency waste management and resource recovery plan for flood affected communities in regional and remote locations in the Northern Territory, using information collected from the 2023 Northern Region Flood Event. The plan's overarching goal is to ensure a safe, efficient, and sustainable recovery process for these communities, with a focus on logistics, waste and contaminant management, resource recovery, community engagement, and flexible implementation. |
Northern Territory Emergency Service | NT Emergency Framework | The project scope includes the development of a high level strategic planning framework that maps out the NT planning arrangements for emergency management partners before, during and after emergency events. The framework would be a companion document to the Territory Emergency Plan, authorised through the NT Emergency Management Act 2013. Once complete, the planning framework will include a breakdown of the roles and responsibilities of organisations and the associated training requirements for the NT emergency management planning sector. It will provide clear direction on how emergency management stakeholders work together and illustrate the governance around the planning risk assessment, exercise and review/evaluation practices used in the Northern Territory. |
Department of Chief Minister and Cabinet | Emergency Messaging in Language | To develop a suite of emergency messages in NT Aboriginal languages and AUSLAN, that align with the newly-implemented Australian Warning System (AWS) for natural hazards. These messages will be managed by the Northern Territory Government’s Secure NT, to deploy to relevant regions via radio and social media when communities are impacted by an emergency event. |
Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security | Landholder Alliance | To scope and establish an alliance groups of landholders across the NT to provide greater capacity to manage fire in large landscapes and resilience. The project will include developing a profile of the land including valuable assets for protection, key contact details to notify and support neighbouring properties, and list firefighting assets including water points etc. |
Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security | High Resolution Mapping of Buffel Distribution in Central Australia | Enhance fire preparedness planning and protection of high value assets by producing high resolution maps of Buffel grass distribution (and if proven fuel load) across Central Australia. This project uses time series satellite imagery and new algorithm techniques to separate out the Buffel grass photosynthesis signature from other vegetation signatures. |
Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade | Cross Government Coordination of Resource Sharing | The project will reduce disaster risk in the Northern Territory by equipping the Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade with policies, processes and procedures to support effective resource sharing across the Northern Territory Government. When complete, this project will provide timely and effective administration and coordination of cross-governmental resources in the event of a bio-security outbreak. The outputs developed from this project will also have wider applicability across all NT Controlling and Hazard Management Authorities. |
Department of Health | Future proofing public health surveillance systems for extreme heat events | The project will further contribute to the achievement of the objectives of Northern Territory Climate Change Response framework by providing data surveillance and response capability to guide adaptation and build community resilience against extreme heat. The aim of the project is to establish a public health surveillance and response system for extreme heat events in the NT. |
Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities | High Risk Population Shared Responsibility Planning Tool / Vulnerable People Framework | Development of a shared responsibility planning tool to support the identification of and planning for high risk cohorts during all hazard emergency events, capitalising on the work already completed in other Australian jurisdictions. The Project will consider how community sectors, working in partnership and through all levels of Northern Territory emergency planning hierarchy, best mitigate and plan for themselves, their clients and their community members. This includes consideration of risk and resilience factors, different types of emergencies and their likelihood, and other situational or localised factors. |
2022 to 2023
Organisation | Project | Description |
Animal Management In Rural & Remote Indigenous Communities (AMRRIC) | A guide to emergency management response for companion animals | A guide to provide local government authorities and municipal service providers with managing animal welfare emergency responses. It will include information on key animal welfare considerations, including cultural considerations, data to collect, how to use the data to evaluate the response required and management strategies to respond to different emergencies, such as floods, cyclones, fire and social unrest. |
Animal Management In Rural and Remote Indigenous Communities (AMRRIC) | Disaster preparedness: filling gaps in information to inform animal welfare response in West Arnhem | Address a gap in companion animal data in the West Arnhem region using a phone application to undertake a census of companion animals in Maningrida, Gunbalanya, Minjilang and Warruwi and key outstations. This data will be used to determine companion animal populations and health data sets which may be used in emergency management responses. |
Charles Darwin University | Scoping requirements for NT remote and very remote disaster waste management | Provide clear steps for the establishment of effective waste management plans, including protocols and practices for remote NT communities in the aftermath of disasters. This will be achieved by reviewing existing literature on disaster waste management and conducting in-depth case studies of experiences managing disaster waste in 3 East Arnhem remote communities. |
Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade | Development of standardised approach for the provision of financial assistance for eligible disaster-related events | Establish a robust policy framework and public communications package supported by information systems for the administration of the Disaster Relief Funding Arrangements (DRFA). This will position the NTG to rapidly and efficiently respond to requirements for Category B DRFA for small business, primary producers, and non-profit organisations. |
Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet | Emergency recovery capability development | Address gaps in the emergency recovery capabilities of local recovery coordinators and their teams by developing a recovery policy framework and a training package for recovery coordinators. The newly developed recovery training and doctrine will be tested through an exercise program. |
Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet | Resource sharing capability | Review existing recovery resource sharing capability (including people, resources, systems, processes and governance) and undertake work to improve all resource sharing arrangements into, and out of the NT in consultation with relevant stakeholders. |
Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security | Building fire management resilience capability | Create new communication pathways with Bushfires NT stakeholders, raise Bushfires NT’s public profile and increase Bushfire Volunteer capacity and landholder compliance. This will mainly be achieved by reviewing and updating the resources available to stakeholders and redesigning the Bushfires NT webpage. |
Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade | Development of an agency emergency call centre capability | Conduct a review of current agency standing and emergency call centre capability to identify gaps. The review will document current organic capability, processes and procedures for the establishment of all hazards (non ‘000’) emergency call centres to ensure the NTG is positioned to respond quickly to any requirements for emergency call centres. |
Northern Territory Emergency Service (NTES) | Development of an emergency service digital mapping capability | NTES have identified a need for better mapping capabilities and geospatial solutions to support their operational responses. This project will improve these capabilities by engaging an organisation/person to manage the procurement and rollout of a hardware/mapping software system for a trial period. As part of the trial, the person will undertake an analysis of the trial hardware/software and the supporting systems required to achieve an operational capability across the agency. |
2021 to 2022
Organisation | Project | Description |
Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security | Flood studies – Beswick, Borroloola and Nauiyu | Trialling a flood mapping platform for potential use in the NT. The platform will be assessed for its ability to enable emergency planners to quickly access information required for informed operational decisions in a rapidly changing situation before and during flood events. |
Bushfires NT - Department of Environment, Parks and Water | Bushfire Risk Assessment Planning and Evaluation Toolkit | The objective of this project is to improve the scientific basis for identifying seasonal bushfire potential in the NT. This is being achieved through development of a landscape scale seasonal bushfire potential model and a risk assessment and planning toolkit to assist NT fire management agencies in making strategic decisions such as resource planning, prescribed fire management and community preparedness with the aim to reduce the negative impacts of damaging wildfires. |
2020 to 2021
Organisation | Project | Description |
Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security | Flood Extent Mapping Project | Flood mapping graphically represents the extent of actual and predicted impact of flooding and therefore the impact on people and property, road and air access and areas of high risk due to the combination of water depth and velocity. The project provides a series of flood extent shapes based on river height increments at a number of locations at risk of flooding in the NT. |
Aboriginal Resource and Development Services (ARDS) | Securing accessibility of disaster information in East Arnhem Land | Enhance the capability, reliability and role of Yolŋu Radio as a key channel for emergency information across East Arnhem Land, and particularly for residents in the 48 homelands of the region. |
Charles Darwin University | Online high resolution burnt area mapping | Provide a detailed history of bushfire activity over time for the greater Darwin and Katherine regions, made available online. The information allows users to conduct assessments of fire risk and conduct informed on-ground strategic fuel reduction activities. |
Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet | Essential services infrastructure mapping | Map interdependencies in the essential service and critical infrastructure sectors and supply systems in the NT. This information will be used to identify the consequential impacts of natural disasters to capture the flow-on effects to essential services, critical infrastructure and the broader community. |
Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet | NT Disaster Risk Assessment Framework | The Framework aims to provide an evidence base for risk mitigation decisions. It will examine the probability of loss, dependent on hazard, exposure and vulnerability. It will be incorporated into the emergency management arrangements of the Northern Territory and will facilitate improved planning and preparedness and enhanced policy elements (such as town planning) by identifying the likely impacts from these risks. The emphasis of the Framework is on reducing the risks and limiting the impacts of natural disasters; however, the Framework is intended to have the flexibility to be applied to all hazards. |
For more information, contact the Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet by:
- emailing
- calling 08 8999 6494.
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