Barkly Regional Council Investigation

The Barkly Regional Council was placed under official management on 17 October 2023 due to serious concerns about its governance and operations.

An Investigator's Report was commissioned to examine and investigate these issues. The investigation revealed significant deficiencies in the Council's conduct, which adversely impacted the delivery of municipal and essential services in the region.

Following a thorough review of the report and submissions from affected parties, the Minister for Local Government made the decision to dismiss the elected members of the Barkly Regional Council on 20 June 2024.

Next Steps

  • The Council's affairs will be managed by an Official Manager until the election of a new council.
  • Elections for a new Council will be held on 2 November 2024.
  • Community members are encouraged to nominate as candidates for the new Council.
  • The Department of Chief Minister and Cabinet will provide comprehensive induction and mandatory training for newly elected members.

Access the Reports

Background information

The Council was dismissed due to serious deficiencies in their operations, as identified in the Investigator’s Report.

Council staff will continue their roles under the leadership of the new CEO, Chris Kelly.

Jeff MacLeod will take over as the Official Manager from 1 July 2024, managing the Council's affairs until the results of the election for a new Council are declared.

Peter Holt is acknowledged for his significant work as Official Manager since 17 October 2023 in leading the re-establishment of good governance processes and improved Council services, particularly to the bush. Mr Holt has chosen to finish his term as of 1 July 2024 and will support a seamless transition to the new Official Manager.

Any eligible person can stand for election, including those who were part of the dismissed Council.

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